Friday, November 26, 2010


Welcome to my blog. I have no reason to believe I will keep it up. I currently intend to alert no one of its existence. I wonder what that means? Will it be a repository for my own thoughts that no one other that I will ever see? Will I contribute to it on occasion or abandon it?

If you know the answer, please do tell.



Arashmania said...

I am glad that you have decided to take up space in cyberspace! And I am proud to be the very first follower of a blog that is surely promising (once people know of its existence, that is)!

Best of luck on your project!


TK said...

You have any tips to an aspiring philosopher ?

John Myste said...

Blogspot only allows 4096 characters in a comment. I wanted to give Dear Maddy her credit:

Dave Dubya said...

Once you start, it's not easy to stop.

Dusty,Hells most vocal Bitch said...

I think of blogging as a way to rid my brain of the demons that try to reside there. It also keeps the mental health folks away from my front door with that ever popular straight jacket.

Vincent said...

I’m so glad you have started this. Your first post reminds me of mine, nearly five years ago.

Davo said...

mm, i began mine in january 2005. Sort of addictive, if ya don't get hooked .. heh.

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