Sunday, May 1, 2011


I keep reading blogs where the blogger pretends to be astonished that the birthers are still birthing. They expect them to believe that Barack Hussein Obama is an American just because he produced a birth certificate. That is no evidence at all. I am not even sure why he wasted his time. There is real business in need of attention: we need to cut social programs as a means of having the poorest of Americans cover the deficit; we need to stop gays trying to violate the sanctity of marriage and fairy up the military; we need to curtail the bargaining ability of anyone who is not rich enough to bargain. This birth certificate distraction is likely nothing more than a liberal political scam to make the birthers look foolish. Of course, the plot failed because the birthers know that the document isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. It is true that they incessantly begged for the worthless document, but they did so only under the assumption that Obama would not produce it. Waving his birth certificate around like an American flag is nothing more than poor sportsmanship and patent hypocrisy. He is going to have to come up with a real way to actually prove who he is. I suspect he will never do this, however, because no one wants to admit to being an Arab.
Obama was not born in America! He is half Hawaiian, half Kenyan and half Arabic! He is a member of the Islamic race as sure as he is black. By the way, our first Black American president is not really black. He is blackish. Part black, so far as we know. He is not an American. He was born half in Kenya and half in the Hawaiian Nation and probably also in Arabia. His name is Barack Hussein Obama, which is clearly indicative of the Islamic culture in which he was raised. If he had adopted the main religion of Kenya, of course, he probably would have been a Christian, like the majority of Kenyans are. However, we can tell by his name, that it is a lie that he grew up in Kenya and only moved to America to become president. He probably grew up in Iraq and was born there, for all we know. Why else would he have been named after Saddam? If he grew up in Kenya, as he would have us believe, then how did he become an Arab?
So, Obama is not black, but Islamic. He is not American, but Kenyan and Hawaiian, and he is Arabic. Since the Constitution does not allow Arabs to become president because they were not born in this country, he is not the president, though I do realize he is acting as if he were. Voltaire said that the Holy Roman Empire was “neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.” Remind you of anyone we know? The first black American president is neither black, nor American, nor the president.
Some people reading this may think I am all confused. I think not! I am no more confused than any other birthers. We are all equally intelligent.


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